91 research outputs found

    Theoretical perspective on rebound effects from a social science point of view: Working paper to prepare empirical psychological and sociological studies in the REBOUND project

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    The replacement of appliances and other energy using products by more efficient ones is generally regarded as an effective strategy to reduce energy demand. However, the savings realized by this strategy may be lower than those theoretically expected or calculated from a technological point of view due to changes of behaviour following the acquisition. This phenomenon is known as the rebound effect. While scientists generally agree on the existence of rebound effects, size, relevance and explanations of such effects are controversially discussed. This paper discusses concepts to explain rebound effects from a psychological as well as sociological point of view. In particular, an approach which combines variables from psychological action theories with the sociological life-style concept is suggested as a framework for studying determinants of rebound effects. --

    Variable Stromtarife aus Kundensicht: Akzeptanzstudie auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse

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    Das Energiewirtschaftsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland schreibt Energieversorgern vor, bis Ende 2010 lastabhängige und/oder zeitvariable Stromtarife anzubieten. Bisher ist jedoch noch wenig über die Einschätzung dieser Tarifmodelle durch die Konsumenten bekannt. Jedoch nur wenn solche flexiblen Tarife neben den Anforderungen der Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) auch den Bedürfnissen der Kunden Rechnung tragen, können die gewünschten Effekte Lastverlagerung und Energieeinsparung realisiert werden. Die vorliegende Studie ermittelt deshalb Konsumentenpräferenzen in Bezug auf entsprechende Stromtarife auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse mit 160 Befragten. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt es, von der Beurteilung ganzer Produktkonzepte auf die Nutzenwerte einzelner Merkmalsausprägungen zu schließen. D. h. im vorliegenden Fall, die Attraktivität der einzelnen Tarifkomponenten zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse liefern konkrete Hinweise für die Gestaltung von Tarifmodellen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Stromkunden einen statischen Tarif bevorzugen, und dass der Nutzen für die Kunden mit steigendem Grad der Dynamik des Tarifs, d.h. der Häufigkeit und Regelmäßigkeit der Schwankung des kWh-Preises, abnimmt. Darüber hinaus wird eine geringe Schwankungsbreite des Preises je kWh gegenüber einer höheren Schwankungsbreite bevorzugt. Für das Lastmanagements bevorzugen die Befragten programmierbare Haushaltsgeräte, die automatisch auf Preissignale reagieren gegenüber einer manuellen Steuerung. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse somit daraufhin, dass eine breite Einführung variabler Tarife vermutlich nur in Kombination mit einer automatischen Steuerung zu positiven Effekten führen kann, da die Konsumenten statische Tarife bevorzugen, mit denen der Umgang im Alltag einfacher ist. --Variable Stromtarife,Lastverschiebung,Kundenakzeptanz,Smart Home

    Smart Homes as a Means to Sustainable Energy Consumption: A Study of Consumer Perceptions

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    European and national policies are aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency - also in the household sector. For this purpose, new solutions for private homes based on information and communication technologies (ICT) are being developed and tested. However, up to now, hardly anyone has seen, experienced or lived in an environment that offers the full range of ICT-based energy management solutions. In this study, consumer reactions to a fully furnished and equipped smart home are analysed using focus groups (four groups with a total of 29 participants). The analysis looks at consumer perceptions of and reactions to an energy management system which optimizes electricity consumption based on different ICT solutions. The topics that were demonstrated in practice and then discussed with the participants included variable tariffs, smart metering, smart appliances, and home automation. In general, there were positive group reactions to the smart home environment. Consumers saw many advantages for themselves; especially the chance to save money. However, giving up high levels of flexibility and adapting everyday routines to fit in with electricity tariffs were regarded as difficult. Smart appliances and smart meters were therefore considered to be necessary elements by most participants. Concerns regarding data privacy played a major role in one of the groups

    Can product service systems support electric vehicle adoption?

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    Plug-in electric vehicles are seen as a promising option to reduce oil dependency, greenhouse gas emissions, particulate matter pollution, nitrogen oxide emissions and noise caused by individual road transportation. But how is it possible to foster diffusion of plug-in electric vehicles? Our research focuses on the question whether e-mobility product service systems (i.e. plug-in electric vehicles, interconnected charging infrastructure as well as charging platform and additional services) are supportive to plug-in electric vehicle adoption in professional environments. Our user oriented techno-economic analysis of costs and benefits is based on empirical data originating from 109 organizational fleets participating in a field trial in south-west Germany with in total 327 plug-in electric vehicles and 181 charging points. The results show that organizations indicate a high willingness to pay for e-mobility product service systems. Organizations encounter non-monetary benefits, which on average overcompensate the current higher total cost of ownership of plug-in electric vehicles compared to internal combustion engine vehicles. However, the willingness to pay for e-mobility charging infrastructure and services alone is currently not sufficient to cover corresponding actual costs. The paper relates the interconnected charging infrastructure solutions under study to the development of the internet of things and smarter cities and draws implications on this development

    Engaging the Public with CCUS: Reflection on a European Project Approach

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    The aim of this paper is to share our approach for a societal engagement and participation process that is implemented as part of two sequential research projects on CCUS. The two projects are both funded under the European Union’s (EU) Horizon 2020 research program. The first one, STRATEGY CCUS (2019-2022), develops strategic development plans for eight regions in South-East Europe; the second, Pilot STRATEGY (2021-2026), partly builds on the first project; Pilot STRATEGY aims at enabling three of the eight regions to start developing their storage resources concretely and to support two further regions in continuing to explore CCUS as an option. Both projects were designed in a way that they integrate geological, technical and economic research with social sciences, with a focus on the regional level. The paper provides an overview on the concept, objectives and the methodologies for the engagement process. It further includes reflections identifying room for improvement and provides recommendations for other projects. Overall, we find that the situation is characterized by low levels of awareness regarding CCUS, but some openness to discuss it. Specific expectations vary and the societal view is not always in line with the current scientific knowledge and the technological development. Important recommendations include building strong interdisciplinary teams that also implement processes for self-reflection.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Public responses to CO2 storage sites: Lessons from five European cases

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    Studies of the factors involved in public perceptions of CO2 storage projects reveal a level of complexity and diversity that arguably confounds a comprehensive theoretical account. To some extent, a conceptual approach that simply organises the relevant social scientific knowledge thematically, rather than seeking an integrated explanation, is as useful as any single account that fails to do justice to the contingencies involved. This paper reviews and assembles such knowledge in terms of six themes and applies these themes to five European cases of carbon capture and storage (CCS) implementation. We identify the main factors involved in community responses to CCS as relating to: the characteristics of the project; the engagement process; risk perceptions; the actions of the stakeholders; the characteristics of the community, and the socio-political context